Cancellation and Refund Policy
  • We are dedicated to provide you the best services but there are times when things go wrong. We try our level best that there are no situations arising when you are not satisfied with what you have received or you find a difference between what you have ordered and what you have received. 

  • But at any time due to some unavoidable circumstances you are unsatisfied with what you have received then contact us at the earliest and we will gladly assist you to find out a solution with mutual consent.

  • The user should clearly read all the product information and other relevant information before making any decision.

  • If you find your hosting package is not as committed, get in touch with us within 5 days from activation date of your hosting service. On receiving your e-mail, our sales team will get in touch with you and try to provide you service as committed at the time of order but if you are still not satisfied with it your hosting payment will be refunded and your services will be deactivated.

  • In case of domain there will be no refund once it is registered or renewed.

  • Our ultimate aim is a satisfied and a happy customer.

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Hosting Precise is an innovative supplier of the web domain and hosting services. We provide responsive, fully-featured Domains and Hosting services at an affordable price. Our main objective is to offer best and reliable Hosting packages for all kind of businesses with full customer satisfaction and Domain Registrations with all extensions. Ourcustomer base encompasses all sectors and sizes, from small businesses to industry leaders. Naturally, a client base this diverse has many different requirements. We cater to these needs by offering flexible, scalable solutions - from basic hosting account to complex dedicated server clusters - on a variety of platforms. Join Hosting Precise and its vast community now and start creating trends online. We provide hosting on Linux and Windows servers, suitable for static and dynamic website whichever preferred by clients depending on their web development platforms like PHP,, ASP, Java, etc.

Here are some of its key points:

  1. Average speed: 183 ms
  2. Average page loading time: 3.10 seconds
  3. Uptime: 99.99%
  4. Key features: Unlimited SSD space and websites, support for HTTP/3 and QUIC technologies, 21x speed with LiteSpeed caching technology.
  5. Customer support: 24/7 and 365 days through Live chat, e-mail, customer call, and WhatsApp. +91 8651423674

User ratings

User ratings are of utmost importance because claiming to have an uptime over 99% is different from actually having it. So be mindful and go through the reviews before you choose.

Every website takes up space on a physical server some-where. Web hosting stores those files and makes your site’s content accessible to online.

We offer a 14 day grace period for invoice payment before the associated service is suspended for nonpayment. This 14 day period starts on the invoice due date, not on the date the invoice is issued.


You can migrate your website from some other website hosting provider to Hosting Precise.

To select the right Linux shared hosting plan for your business.

  1. A starter package is a go-to option if your project is at the beginner stage and requires limited website storage requirements.
  2. If you have a large-sized project bandwidth, websites requirements are high. You can go with performance & business plans.

No limit.


No, Our web service uptime is currently 99.99%.

You can purchase add-on cPanel accounts anytime after the Linux Reseller Hosting product is purchased

No. After you bough a domain name, then it’s yours and you can not change that name. Domain names are unique and if one is taken, no one change or edit that.